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As time passes, people change phone numbers, place of employment, and even on occasion, their name. It is important that we are able to contact residents in a timely manner, especially during an emergency. Updated account information is needed, such as current telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Kindly fill out the form below and return it to the Utility Office by mail, in person, in the after-hours box, or by email. Please print clearly to ensure accuracy of phone numbers and email addresses.
2023 LaGrange Drinking Water CCR
2022 Report, published in 2023
For those who have not seen what the finished product will look like: U.S. Grant Street (ranch) apartments.
Snow Bans/Snow Removal
Whenever snow has accumulated to a depth of two inches (2″) or more on any curbed street or on any paved street, parking shall be prohibited until such time as snow has been plowed from any such street. This prohibition shall not apply to parking in Public Square.
Snow and Leaf Removal
It is against Village Ordinances to blow snow from driveways onto Village streets. YOU CAN BE TICKETED! This is a safety issue. It is also illegal to place or blow leaves or grass onto Village streets. Leaves plug up storm water drainage grates. Please follow these Ordinances.
Emergency situations have become, all to often, the rule rather than the exception. In these days and times, we need to help and support each other! We also need to be vigilant regarding unforeseen circumstances or situations! Click on the link above for more information!