Mayor, Councilpersons Sworn In. Dill Honored!

Mayor Gary Kincannon was sworn in for a four year term on Wednesday, December 27th, 2023. Except for a short period following college, Mr. Kincannon has been a Village resident since 1953 and on Village Council for 27 years.

At the Council meeting on the 28th of December, Councilman Rick Honer and Councilman Curt Karpinski were sworn in by the Mayor. Both are long-time members of Village Council and LaGrange residents. Mr. Honer’s term is two years and Mr. Karpinski will serve a four year term. Mayor Kincannon was pleased to swear in long-time resident and Keystone graduate, Rhonda Smith to a four year term. This will be her first seat on Village Council.

Sadly, the village will be parting ways with Councilman Gregg Dill who is retiring and did not run for re-election. Mr. Dill has served honorably for 20 years and his knowledge and commitment will be sorely missed. Gregg carried on the tradition of the Dill family, making LaGrange a better place to live!